Times of various activities are posted in prominent places throughout the home and on the noticeboard in the dining room.

We recognise and respect that residents will have differing lifestyle preferences and that the need for social and leisure activities will vary from one person to another. Some residents will have an active social life while others will want a level of privacy and independence from others.

We respond to these unique differences and ensure that each resident has the opportunity to pursue hobbies and leisure interests and participate in social activities as they wish. We enable residents to learn new skills such as computer skills. Friars Mead has two computers for the exclusive use of our residents.

We also ensure that the residents can choose their personal and social relationships – both, within and outside the care home. We are committed to the involvement of family and friends and this is important to the resident.

A varied programme of activities

Residents strongly drive our social calendar and we always have a varied programme of events arranged. The programme includes activities such as board games, bingo, karaoke and dominoes and exercise classes. We keep residents informed of planned activities and events. However, they are of course perfectly at liberty to remain in their rooms whenever they so choose.

We support residents to take part in the local community and facilitate their access to leisure, educational and recreational facilities.

Contact us

If you have any questions or would simply like to find out more about Friars Mead, you can contact us.

Visit us

If you would like to book a visit or come and spend some time at Friars Mead to see if it’s right for you please contact us to arrange by using the contact us form on this page.